Swept Path Analysis

What is a Swept Path Analysis?

When preparing a Traffic Management Plan the local authority will require demonstrable evidence in the form of a Swept Path Analysis that the type of construction vehicles proposed to attend the construction site will be able to do so without:

  • Obstructing the carriageway and footpath outside of the site

  • Obstructing access to neighbouring properties

  • Causing unnecessary disruption to the local highway network and local residents

  • Causing damage to local authority or private property

Combined Swept Path Analysis and External Site Layout drawings.

Our Swept Path Analysis drawings combine construction vehicle manoeuvres and the external site layout, We adopt this approach to demonstrate the viability of the proposed vehicle manoeuvres in relation to the proposed site logistics (i.e., loading areas, parking suspensions, hoarding, and gantries), and the surrounding road layout (i.e. parking spaces, yellow lines, width of carriageway, cycle lanes, and street furniture).

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) state within their CTMP pro-forma:

  • “A plan of the route must be forwarded to visitors and delivery companies in advance. The route should be able to accommodate all vehicles visiting the site in terms of capacity, geometry, width and height. If necessary, submit swept paths to demonstrate the suitability of the proposed route.”

  • “The swept path of the chosen manoeuvre must be shown on the site plan.”

As part of the Swept Path Analysis preparation we will work with the project team to:

  • Identify appropriate construction vehicle site access and egress routes

  • Prepare construction vehicle Swept Path Analysis drawings to demonstrate the proposed site access and egress routes are viable

  • Help to design the site layout to identify the most efficient way of receiving construction vehicles in order to minimise potential disruption to the local highway network and local residents

We are experienced in the preparation of Swept Path Analysis drawings to support Traffic Management Plans so please feel free to contact us if you would like to talk about your project and how we may be able to assist you.

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