Site Construction Management Plan (SCMP)

What is a Site Construction Management Plan (SCMP)?  

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) may include a Code of Construction Practice (CoCP) planning condition within a conditional planning consent. The production of a Site Construction Management Plan (SCMP) along with the payment of a Construction Bond to the RBKC Construction Management Team (CMT) will be required to discharge this CoCP planning condition.

The Site Construction Management Plan (SCMP) is required to address the following:

  • Site plan

  • Details of neighbour consultation

  • Details of liaison with other site managers in vicinity to manage cumulative impacts if not part of the CTMP

  • Working hours

  • Summary and programme of works

  • Demolition and construction methodology e.g piling

  • Plans for site arrangement (including storage area) and monitoring equipment

  • Details of licences that will be applied for     

  • Details of noise and vibration mitigation

  • Details of dust mitigation and air quality measures

  • Statement to confirm sign up to Considerate Constructors Scheme

  • Application for Section 61 consent (required for Category 1 sites) to include all relevant information as required by the application form including noise predictions

RBKC state:

  • Site categories: “All sites must be assessed and characterised as one of Category 1, 2 or 3 (in terms of potential impact on the local area), prior to work starting (as per Table 1 within the Code). Category 1 developments are expected to have the highest potential construction impact and Category 3 the lowest. The final decision on the category of development rests with the Construction Management Team”. The SCMP requirement in relation to the site’s categorisation can be found within Table 2 of the code which is reproduced below.

  • Compliance with the Code and the Construction Bond: “A planning condition will be attached to Category 1 and 2 sites requiring owners, developers and their contractors to agree to be bound by the Code. For Category 1 and 2 sites, a signed copy of the Code checklist (contained within Appendix A) together with a Site Construction Management Plan (SCMP) must be submitted to and approved by the Council before works can start. This will be stipulated in the planning condition”.

More information regarding The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) Code of Construction Practice (CoCP) requirements can be found here:  

Site Construction Management Plan (SCMP) requirements

We have extensive experience in working with architects, contractors and developers to prepare Site Construction Management Plans so please feel free to contact us if you would like to talk about your project and how we may be able to assist you.

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