Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP)

What is a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP)?  

Prior to any works commencing on site the submission of a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) will be required by the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea (RBKC) for any RBKC Code of Construction Practice category 1 sites, and may be required depending on site specific circumstances for category two sites.

In addition to the Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP), a Site Construction Management Plan (SCMP) will also need to be submitted for all RBKC Code of Construction Practice category one and two sites. Dependant on the specifics of the proposed development a Section 61 Prior Consent Application may also need to be submitted to support the Site Construction Management Plan (SCMP).

Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea (RBKC) have a pro-forma CTMP which should be used as a template to provide all required information relating to following aspects of a proposed development:

  • Pre-submission neighbour consultation

  • Routing of demolition, excavation and construction vehicles

  • Construction traffic hours

  • Site access arrangements

  • Estimated vehicle types and quantities

  • Method of spoil removal

  • Construction vehicle site access and egress routes

  • Highways licenses

  • Parking suspensions

Guidance regarding the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea CTMP requirements can be found here, and further information regarding the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Code of Construction Practice can be found here.

We have extensive experience in working with architects, contractors and developers to:

  • Prepare Draft Construction Traffic Management Plans which are used during the local neighbourhood consultation process, or during the pre-application stage to validate a planning application

  • Undertake local pre-commencement neighbourhood consultation regarding the contents of the Draft Construction Traffic Management Plan

  • Prepare Final Construction Traffic Management Plans which include details of the local neighbourhood consultation process, and how feedback received during the consultation process was used to inform the contents of the Final Construction Management Plan

  • Prepare Swept Path Analysis Drawings to demonstrate the viability of the proposed construction vehicle routes, manoeuvres, and to show the external site layout

  • Prepare Site Construction Management Plans (SCMP) required for all RBKC Code of Construction Practice category one and two sites

  • Prepare site specific environmental reports including Construction Noise Assessments and Air Quality Dust Management Plans if required to support the Site Construction Management Plan (SCMP)

  • Prepare project specific Section 61 Prior Consent Applications

We are experienced in the preparation of Construction Traffic Management Plans so please feel free to contact us if you would like to talk about your project and how we may be able to assist you.

What is a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP)?
Swept Path Analysis
What is a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP)?

Get in touch to discuss your project.

To help us best serve your inquiry, please include a basic description of your requirements.